RUD develops with renowned hoist manufacturers a highly wear-resistant special chain for special applications in foundries. Due to the high requirements with heavy contamination, high temperatures and

a more difficult lubricity, RUD chains of special grade are ideal for this application. Convince yourself of the quality of our special chains for foundries “MADE IN GERMANY”.

Advantages and special features at a glance:

  • highly resistant to wear
  • increased surface hardness and greater case depth than for DAT chains
  • very high resistance to heavy soiling
  • suitable for high/severely fluctuating temperatures
  • HS60/70 similar DT from DIN EN 818-7
  • reduced load capacity and elongation at break due to extremely high resistance to wear
  • chain must NOT be lubricated to achieve perfect wear behaviour

Contact the RUD Team!

Please use the contact form for further questions about our products and service features.
Our Team will be pleased to help you. Just call us or send us an e-mail.
